Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia (SOGO) is a youth orchestra based in Olympia, Washington that consists of 4 main ensembles, Conservatory, Philharmonic, Academy, and Debut, as well as Brass Choir, SOGO MOJO, and SOGO 2 Schools.
In addition to weekly rehearsals and Teaching Artist-lead sectionals, SOGO ensembles include Music History and Music Theory curricula.
Conservatory Orchestra
Conservatory Orchestra offers a rich performance opportunity for highly skilled musicians. The most advanced SOGO ensemble, Conservatory Orchestra performs standard orchestral literature – seasoned, contemporary, and new. Student and professional soloists are featured. Conservatory Brass players also perform with the Brass Choir.
Level: Advanced high school to college.
Time: Sundays 4:30-6:30pm.
Cameron May, Conductor
Philharmonic Orchestra
Philharmonic Orchestra performs standard and arranged orchestral literature and new compositions. Rehearsals focus on advanced technical, ensemble, and performance skills to prepare our musicians to successfully navigate the advanced and varied literature at the Conservatory level. Instruction in music theory and history is also included. Select Philharmonic brass players also perform with the Brass Choir.
Level: Advanced middle school & intermediate high school.
Time: Sundays 4:30-6:30pm.
Greg Allison, Conductor
Academy Orchestra
Academy Orchestra performs arranged orchestral literature and new compositions. Rehearsals focus on preparing our growing musicians by expanding their technical and musical skills for the more advanced literature in their future. Students grow in depth of understanding of musical and performance concepts. Instruction in music theory and history is also included.
Level: Intermediate middle school & early high school.
Time: Sundays 2:15-4:00pm.
Dan Craig, Conductor
Debut Orchestra
Debut Orchestra is SOGO’s introductory orchestral ensemble. Programming includes arrangements of the standard orchestral literature and new compositions. Rehearsals focus on growing the technical and musical skills of our young musicians to be able to successfully and confidently perform in a full orchestra. Instruction in music theory and history is also included.
Level: 1-2 years playing experience. Elementary and early middle school.
Time: Sundays 3:15-4:45pm.
Linda Pyle, Conductor
Brass Choir
Brass Choir performs original and adapted brass music from the Renaissance to modern masterpieces. Brass Choir students perform for three series concerts at the Washington Center and a holiday show each December featuring alumni, guest artists, and commissioned works written for the show.
Level: Brass players from the Conservatory Orchestra and select brass players from the Academy Orchestra.
Time: Sundays 3:15-4:00pm.
Greg Allison and Liz Ward, Conductors