SOGO Honored to Host Midori’s Orchestra Residencies Program – January 21 – February 4. As a leading concert violinist for over 35 years, Midori and her Orchestra Residencies Program is coming to SOGO!

Midori is offering multiple workshop opportunities to support SOGO’s members. It is Midori’s hope that these live online experiences will help keep young SOGO musicians engaged, motivated, and excited. Topics covered will include How to Practice, Aural Heritage, Encouraging Young People to Keep Music in Their Lives Beyond High School, and Healing Through Music.

All the workshops will be open to the public and we encourage you to join us. No workshop series would be complete without Midori presenting a Violin Master Class. She will be working with SOGO members in a virtual 90-minute session – listening to intermediate and advanced violinists.

No matter what instrument you play, young or old, there are opportunities for you to learn from this one-time opportunity.


  • Jan 21, 4:30-6:00pm: Violin Master Class

  • Jan 26, 4:30-5:45pm: Workshop: How to Practice

  • Jan 28, 5-6pm: Aural Heritage: Who to Listen to and What to Listen for 

  • Feb 2, 4:30-5:30pm: Encouraging Young People to Keep Music in Their Lives/Life Beyond High School —Parents and teachers are encouraged to bring ideas and questions for discussion.

  • Feb 4, 4:30-5:30pm: Healing through Music: Discussing Midori’s role as a UN Messenger of Peace