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Welcome to the 24th season of Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia (SOGO). The Fall Concert starts with the Conservatory Orchestra performing Joyride by Markowski – a new rendition of the popular Ode to Joy. But in this case, you’ll need to hold on to your seat like it’s the best roller coaster ride ever! Music Director Cameron May continues to push the envelope with Music for a Midnight Carriage Ride by local composer Austin Schlichting. Think Halloween or the scariest movie you have ever watched! The concert wouldn’t be complete without bringing in the cannons with the ever-popular 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky.

The 18-member SOGO Brass Choir provides a little hoedown humor with Meeboer’s Western Fair. Conducted by Greg Allison, the ensemble will include more traditional works for the brass. The audience will also enjoy the Academy and Debut Orchestras performing familiar works from orchestral literature.

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Concert program